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  • Writer's pictureMara Finger


1 - Keep the house clean and free of odors. Don't forget that the dog's sense of smell

is much better than ours, which means they smell even when we don't. You should

clean the places where he pees with products that contain ENZYMES and eradicate

the smell. You must dry the spot with paper towels and apply the product abundantly.

Do not remove the product.

2 - Choose a place to put the training pad away from the dog's food and bed.

3 - The training pad must ALWAYS be accessible and clean. In the beginning, it is

essential to leave some scent reference; you don't need to change all the pads; always

leave a little pee on the spot. The pad area must be large (at least four pads) so that the

dog can move, smell, and feel free to pee. Over time we can use only one pad. WE


4 - Our goal is to make our puppy understand where the right place is with positive

reinforcement. Lots of affection and treats whenever he gets it right. The reinforcement

should be precise, exactly when he does it right. Whenever he does it in the wrong

place, in front of you, you should interrupt your puppy (without scolding) and take him

to the right place, where you must praise him.


5 - Restrict water and food and pay attention to the moments when he usually pee and

poop; soon, you will understand his routine. Food can be offered three times a day or

as instructed by the veterinarian. Offer him the food, wait 10 minutes, and remove it,

even if he did not eat. If the dog does not eat, he will have to wait until the next

mealtime. You should offer water at least every two hours. Be very careful not to leave

the dog without water as puppies can quickly dehydrate.

6 - Watch him all the time, preferably on the leash, and take him to the bathroom every

hour. Stay with him until he pees and praise him a lot if he does it in the right place.

Over time he must be free to walk around the house, but you must take him to the

bathroom every two hours.

Continue with the positive stimulus whenever it gets it right and continue for a long

time, even after learning. Positive motivation will constantly reinforce the behavior.

7 - He can pee on the pad at home or during walks when you should praise and reward


8 - The number of correct answers must increase, and errors must decrease after a

short period. But don't forget that he is still a baby and will probably commit small

mistakes until adulthood. In that case, don't forget to clean the place properly.

9 - Every time you see him pottying, repeat the word pee, pee, pee (or whatever you

want, but always the same) and only praise him and give the treat after he finishes.

After a few months, that word can be used as a command for your dog to pee.

10 - Patience (lots of patience!), consistency, and lots of love, and your dog will be the

best dog ever!

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