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  • Writer's pictureMara Finger


Round Robin Recalls


- Everyone stands a few feet apart.

- One at a time, call the dog to you.

- Whoever is currently calling the dog should do anything to get the dog's interest.

- If you are not currently calling your dog, stay quiet and ignore the dog.

- Once they get to you, tell them how beautiful they are, and give them a treat.

- Then it's the next person's turn. The one to whom the dog just ran ignores him, turn

back, and the next person calls the dog.

- Keep playing until the dog runs from family member to family member, being

rewarded for it and getting lots of exercises.

(If it’s just you and the dog after you call him, wait until he loses interest and stops

paying attention to you, then start calling him excitedly again.)


- Make them sit when they arrive:

Create the party and call them to you. When they are just about to get to you, stand up

tall (this will usually slow them down) and tell them to sit as soon as they reach you.

- Teach him family names:

The first person calls him, and once he rewards the pup, he says, “go to Mary!” and

Mary immediately starts calling the puppy to him.

Scavenger Hunt

Keep your dog in a separate room as you hide portions of their dinner mixed with the

treats. Put some snacks in your dog's sight, making a trail where the game begins.

Bring your dog in and let them sniff and hunt!

Start with super smelly treats and super easy places while they are learning the game,

then you can switch to their food only and up the challenge.

And please, never hide something where your dog has to break a house rule to find it!


Get your dog excited about the toy (usually a ball, but everything works). Roll or throw

the ball for a very short distance (inches). If they bring it back, throw a party and

reward. Then roll or throw for longer distances.

Start in a minor room whit minimal distractions, so your dog and the ball don’t have far

to go. If your dog doesn’t bring the ball back, don’t worry. Just try again and roll for a

shorter distance. To encourage your dog to stay engaged with you and the game, you

need to stay super excited and playful.

Different dogs respond differently to rewards, find the ones they like the most, and

encourage them to get the ball AND bring it back to you.

You can add the command drop when he drops the ball or the toy.

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