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  • Writer's pictureMara Finger


Food is one of the most powerful rewards to your dog, so stop using the bowl and start

using the food as a tool to train your dog.

This is so simple and obvious, but a lot of dog owners are resistant to take it. We only

feed our dogs in bowls, because we are used to eating in bowls. For the dog, the bowl

is completely unuseful.

Some people may think it’s cruel but it's the opposite! Looking for food is one of the

dog's favorite activities and feeding them in a bowl will deprive them of it!

The steps to be followed are:

1. measure the amount your dog eats each day.

2. separate ⅓ or ¼ and put in a jar on your counter

3. Give him the food as a treat every time he is behaving god.

4. Every time he is quiet, down on your foot or on the couch, give him kibble and

say "good dog".

Normally we forget to praise our dogs when they are behaving well. You can use

this amount for training sessions instead of the treat.

You can put the remaining food in two or more Kongs or any other dog toy. You can

simply put the kibbles or make a pure with the kibbles and water to close the Kong. If

you want, you can use meat stock too. When your dog is used to eating in the Kong,

put it in the freezer and give him kibble ice cream!

You can use this funny mealtime to teach your dog to stay calm in the crate.

1. Show the Kong to your dog

2. Let him smell them put the Kong in the crate

3. Close the door with your dog outside.

He will be crazy to go in! Wait a moment then open the door and let him go

inside, then, close the door.

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